Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Denver, Boulder and Arusha.

Road from Baily CoDenver LightsCabin LightsTiffiany Window, Equity Building DenverGrand Staircase, Equity Building DenverDenver Train Station
Red RocksWalking Man, Red RocksThe coolest backstage ever. Red RocksRed Rocks at nightTheater Complex, DenverCoulds
DX1_9127 copyDX1_9124 copyAngledDancersKoliKai
Kai FliesKatieJavaSarahGutter Punk

Denver 5/11, a set on Flickr.

Just back from a terrific trip to one of my favorite places, Denver. Plenty of perfect spring weather, seeing some old friends , meeting some new ones, lots of photos taken, and major headway on the Inspire Me Africa documentary. Was able to visit Boulder, Baily, Central City and Red Rocks for a night visit with my tent buddy from Africa, Scott and his girl Heather for some fun large scale light-painting experiments.

Trips like this remind me why its great to get away, get a little change of scenery, and breath a little thin air for a while. The mountains, like the ocean seem to call out to us. They make us want to explore. See around the next corner. And see into the past.

Of course, I can't go anywhere without a camera. And I wouldn't want it any different.

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