Monday, November 07, 2011

Yellow Snow

Yellow Snow, originally uploaded by ArcherVision.

Leaves and snow don't mix. This is something that New Englander's know, but few recal anything like the freak pre-Holloween storm of 2011. Several million were out of power, and some still are from Ma to Ct and NH.

For me, it was 6 days.

6 days without heat, lights, decent food, internet, editing software, battery charging and what else, oh yea, income! Blast.

Fall Storm 2011

Fall Storm 2011, originally uploaded by ArcherVision.

The trees around this area of Forest Park were already snapping and crackling as the first hours of snow started to stick. It was coming down enough to make shooting anything hard, unless you were under a tree. After a few started to come down, I thought it was a good time to pack it in. Had I known I was about to start 6 days without heat and lights, I might have stayed in the woods a while longer.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Music Video Casting Call


Wharehouse, a set on Flickr.

Now casting for a music video for artist Aimee Allen.

This is a Spec/Contest opportunity being taken up as a labor of love for a group of seasoned pros looking to do something stand-out. There is no money in this project, but we have a great concept and location for this shoot which will have up to 6 cameras including Del Padre Digital's RED ONE. The location is intense and sure to be visually stunning. The look will be dark, apocolypitic and engaging. Lots of 120 frames per second slow motion and cinematic effects wrapped in an edgy edit.

Here is the song we have chosen:

Here are the web sites for the Director, Nino Del Padre and DP Mark Archer.

Location Test shots: … 903282832/

Mark Archer

Serious inquiries only, please.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tornado - Springfield MA


Tornado - Springfield MA, a set on Flickr.

A rare New England tornado touches down and wreaks havoc in Springfield MA area June 1, 2011. Wide swath of damage including 200 year old trees in the citie's court square area, overturned trucks and cars, missing billboards and missing roofs.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stuff on my Desk

Stuff on my DeskStuff on my DeskStuff on my DeskStuff on my DeskStuff on my DeskStuff on my Desk
Stuff on my DeskDX1_0325Stuff on my DeskStuff on my Desk

Stuff on my Desk, a set on Flickr.

If the oddities that you keep around you are any indication of who you are, then it might appear that I am a tad out there. Each items has its own origin, and it's own story. I won't bore you with the details, but rather let the images speak for themselves.