Saturday, January 17, 2009

We all need a hero. And some fiber.

Super cool, US Airways pilot C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger has the right stuff. Not only does he calmly land his stricken Airbus A320 jetliner in the frigid Hudson River, and saves all 155 people aboard Flight 1549, but he also knows a good breakfast cereal when he tastes one.

O.K. I am just guessing about Capt. Sully's choice of morning food stuffs, but I am certain he is one great pilot. As a frequent flier and avid aviation buff, I hope to get a pilot like him on my next flight. And I hope that he started his day with several bowls of Wheaties.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blue Boat

Blue Boat, originally uploaded by ArcherVision.

49 Grille

49 Grille, originally uploaded by ArcherVision.

Red River Beach

Red River Beach, originally uploaded by ArcherVision.

Christmas on Cape Cod