Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kilimangaro, First Look Back

Kilimangaro, originally uploaded by ArcherVision.

This is one huge mountain! I was pretty much just concerned with getting down, so I did not get a pic until this shot at somewhere about 14,000 feet, which is where I started to feel a little bit like I was going to live!

Although only 7 weeks post surgery, it was not my hernia that kept from the peak of Africa's tallest mountain, but the altitude itself. Of course, I knew I had a battle going in, being from about 300 ft and all. In fact, my tallest training hike was only about 2000 feet. Ironically, about the distance I came from the top. But, even though often the mountain wins...all is well.

I went to Africa! I climbed higher than any mountain in the lower 48 states! and, most importantly, I made it down under my own power. The rest of the story, is a long one. Many pics, posts and video to come!


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