Sunday, February 14, 2010


Over a year in the making. No one ever said it would be easy. And then again, then I suppose then everyone would have demo reel of RED ONE only footage. Not done yet, but here is a look.

Inspire Me Africa video.

This is a very rough cut of some of my footage from Tanzania.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder

mark's drums, originally uploaded by ArcherVision.

OCD, Hording and Drums. When does it become something you need to talk to someone about? And who would you go to? Maybe I could run a drum shop that has a licensed therapist on staff.

But seriously, I guess it is because I have not been gigging lately, but I have been pulling out every drum and noise maker I can find. Some going back a decade or so, I am pulling together metal plates and bed pans, stainless steel strainers and drainage pipe. I'm certainly not done adding things I have laying around waiting to made into something that can produce some sound. And, I can hardly leave the house without looking for objects that might want to get hit.
mark drums2
You find them in the oddest places. Metal buckets, water cooler bottles, stove pipes and industrial filter housings. I can honestly say that I have never met a piece of metal or plastic that I did not want to smash. And like any decent war of attrition, I think if you add enough sounds then some interesting poly-rhythms and melodies can start springing up.

Stay tuned for some recording in the future, and I think I am going to get back to adding some of my electronic drums and trigger devices into the mix. It's been a while now that I have been concentrating on acoustic and found material instruments. I spent more than a decade working on melding the two, going back to the beginning of Simmons and later KAT products triggering MAC-based Sample Cell, Emu and Roland sound sources.

About another decade has whizzed by since using much electronics, so it should prove fun to see what I can do with a little more modern technology, and a whole lot more stuff to hit repeatedly.